By Jose Roa ’20
In a place where everyone is seen as equal and everyone must be ready to give it their all, no one is left behind. Members will have to stretch and run around the mat to warm up. They will end their practice by doing one last run around the mats. They later perform drills with their partners. Partners will most likely be female with female and male with male, but if in any situation meaning female with male drills the both have to respect each other.
Wrestling team members need to come in and give it their all. Miguel Bravo said, “If we see one is trying to give up we go and help them we do everything together,” and everyone in the team sees each other equal Bravo states. Tania Adame, assistant manager, is in charge of keep track of the wrestling score of each wrestler. Bravo started wrestling in freshman year and said that “Wrestling is a good experience for people. Not only are the coaches training us to get physically strong but mentally strong as well.” Adame wanted to join freshman year as well, but “do to my medical issues I could only be a manager,” Adame states. This proves that anyone can be a part of the wrestling team in a way.
Members of the wrestling team have different opinions on whether strength or skill is better. Adame believes in both statements, “you have to know to how to do it, but you also have the strength to do it”. In the other hand, Bravo said, “our coach always tells us that skills will always beat strength”. People can test this theory them self by joining the wrestling team.
Wrestling team is mainly about team building many members say, so if some is missing then their is no team. Therefore, you will be disappointing your fellow team members. It’s really hard sometimes but at the end it’s all worth it Adame states. The coaches want the best for their students, and they are sometimes telling them to challenge themselves to become more stronger and fast thinkers. The wrestling team will not give up after a lost they will get up and work on getting better to win the next match. Members started not knowing nothing and ended up knowing more. Proving that things can be accomplished faster as a team. Are you ready to join the team?