By Styles Avant-Pinkston ’19
Osvaldo Romero, a former student of Pritzker who graduated in 2013, is on an MTV dating show called “Are You the One.” The season premieres on Wednesday, Jan 11.
Romero, 22, is currently living in Glendale, CA, working two jobs, and is a reality star. But before all of this, Romero was just a kid in Chicago who attended Pritzker College Prep. At first, Romero didn’t even want to attend Pritzker. He had no choice, however, because his older brother went to Pritzker and was two years ahead of Romero. By sophomore year, Romero loved the school due to him starting to do clubs like “ROTC, football, rugby, soccer, robotics club, and the Latin dance club,” just to name a few.
Romero said that Pritzker taught him how to prioritize things, a skill he still uses to this day. Romero had to learn this skill quickly because after his school day was done, his work day began. He worked a job to help his mom support their family. Romero said while at this job, he was doing homework, and if he still had homework when he got off, Romero would stay up late at night doing it.
Romero moved to Cali this August. This move is what led to him being on the show, as he saw an ad for “Are You the One” and applied for it because “It was something new and different.”
Romero didn’t expect to get on; in fact, Romero said he “did it on a whim” and would have never done something like this in high school. Eventually, the show interviewed him and said they liked him. After finding out he made the show, Romero called his mom and said “You’re not going to hear from me for awhile.” Once Romero explained to his mom, she was excited for him, and his siblings were even more excited since they understood what was happening a little more that their mother did. After that, he was off to Cabarete, Dominican Republic for the filming of the show.
When asked where do you see yourself going from this point, Romero said he was not too sure. As mentioned before, he is currently working two jobs. He does want to see what can come from this show, however. Romero wants to see how he can take this further, and all of Pritzker is rooting for him to do it.
“Are You the One?” appears on MTV at 8 p.m. CST on Jan. 11. There will be 10 episodes in this season.