Should students be allowed to wear long sleeve shirts under polos?

Lizbeth Marquez, a senior, wearing her Physical Education shirt with a long sleeve shirt under.

By Luis Marquez ’19

The main concern in winter is  staying warm. And if staying warm is the first priority, then are students staying warm? Teachers might or don’t know this but some students don’t just think having a sweater is warm enough for them, and because it’s not warm enough for students. Students then decide to put under their shirts a long sleeve shirt for them to keep warm. But how would students feel if they were able to wear long sleeves shirts under polos? And would it help the fact Pritzkers keeps its students warm in winter also if this idea of wearing long sleeves shirts under school shirt polo is good or bad?

A lot of times Pritzker counts on heaters to keep our school building warm. But sometimes it’s not enough for some people to  wear sweatshirts, but to some people wearing a sweatshirt isn’t enough but what if students were allowed to wear long sleeves shirt under their school polo, How would students feel about this? And here are the thoughts of Carmen Reyes a senior at Pritzker “If we were able to wear long sleeve shirts under our school uniform it would be great. Because then we wouldn’t have to keep bothering teachers about the classes being either too cold. And having long sleeve shirts under our polo would keep us warm at all times.” As Reyes said wearing a long sleeve shirt under our school polo doesn’t only have to deal with the fact keeping us warm at school, it also deals with students going home walking or just mainly being outside of school. And again benefits teachers from students telling them it’s too cold which teachers get told to often.

Also to think about is wearing long sleeve shirts under our school polo benefitting us only? It can also benefit Pritzker as said by Fernando Ayala a freshman at Pritzker “Students being able to wear long sleeve shirts under school polos would also make Pritzker look better. By showing that our school cares about students staying warm in winter. And that would make Pritzker just reputation better.” Going back to the fact students wearing long sleeve shirts under school polo also benefits the school by letting outside people or anyone whom comes into our building know that. The school’s concern in students staying warm in winter is there main concern by letting us wear long sleeve shirts under school polo.

As said by Reyes before in the article wearing long sleeve shirts under school polo keeps us way warmer. But is wearing these long sleeve shirts under our school polo good or bad? And here are Reyes thoughts on it “I mean wearing long sleeve shirts under school polo isn’t a bad idea. After all it benefits students and the school. One way is keeping us students warmer and I would say also this is a good idea as long as students don’t violate the student uniform code by wearing some different kind of long sleeve shirts to school.” Leading to the fact letting students wear long sleeve shirts under polos isn’t bad. Mainly because it would keep us students warmer and make the school look better.