Juniors excited about studying abroad

Quote from Sophia Gomez.

By Chloee M Toro ’18

Pam Johnson, Dean of Culture, announced at lunch on Oct 24 that juniors are now available to apply to study abroad through Global Glimpse. Many students were excited about this opportunity.

Out of 91 responses from the going abroad survey recorded, 54.9% of juniors and 45.1% of seniors participated. Majority of the students learned about abroad from Johnson, friends, or teachers.

The real debate is whether or not juniors plan on going. 54% of responses were juniors  agreeing they would love to go, whereas, 46% of responses were juniors not wanting to go or undecided if they should go.  Junior Sophia Gomez stated “Some students might think this opportunity is out of the question for them because they might not have their parents support with the idea of traveling far away from home, or maybe it can be a money issue even with the school helping us out with scholarships.”

Although this opportunity is amazing, some kids aren’t able to attend for reasons. Gomez mentioned that she works during the summer which stops her from being able to attend and her parents aren’t really in favor for her being far from home. She adds in that if she would be able to take two weeks off of work, she would love to attend because it would be “an amazing opportunity to travel far from home” and students “are given the chance to help others and acknowledge their living circumstances.”

On the other hand, there are students who can’t wait to apply. Junior Lesley Solis stated “I am actually applying to study abroad! I am a girl who loves to experience new places and new adventures!”

The thing about studying abroad means students will get the chance to teach others. When students were asked in the survey if they would be able to do that, 49.5% agreed they aren’t scared to go up in front of people and teach, 46.2% agreed they are shy but would try and overcome it, and 4.4% agreed it just was not happening. Jacqueline Puente, junior, expressed how she will become more open-minded and it will be eye opening to  experience new ways of learning.

Gomez expressed “Some students don’t realize how good of an experience this is but to those who know they can make a difference, go for it! Show us what you have and help us make our world a better place.” Solis stated “It will impact my life because I will know I did something amazing for other people!” Junior Vianney Yanez mentioned an experience like this would impact her because she would be able to appreciate what she has and help inspire others around the world who aren’t as fortunate.

For next year juniors, are you wondering if you should apply? Gomez stated “Juniors take this opportunity! You will not get many chances like this one. This can really help us teenagers see how good we have it at home and to appreciate our community and surroundings if we don’t already do so.”