Jaguars cheer at WE Day Celebration
By Abril Pereznegron ’18 and Mylani Rivera ’18 On April 28, 28 Pritzker students, from all grade levels, had a chance to experience a life changing event. “WE Day was evening to remember” stated sophomore […]
By Abril Pereznegron ’18 and Mylani Rivera ’18 On April 28, 28 Pritzker students, from all grade levels, had a chance to experience a life changing event. “WE Day was evening to remember” stated sophomore […]
By Julio Garcia ’16 Hermosa is a local restaurant located in the Hermosa community, yeah, that is where Pritzker is located in. Hermosa is a very small restaurant being next to Googoo’s table; however, […]
By Erica Jaramillo ’17 and Antonio Lopez ’17 Andrew Wetmore, PE teacher, advisor, and as well as both a boys’ baseball and boys’ basketball coach is preparing his players for the upcoming season. Wetmore […]
By Diana Gomez ’19, Dania Herrera ’19, and Styles Pinkston ’19 The whistle blows and the piercing sound of it bounces off the walls of the gym. Right away, students sprint across the gym. […]
By Patrick Stone’ 19, and Treon Wright ’ 19 Did you know that Pritzker College Prep’s mascot was a girl? Her name was Paulina Torres, and she was the last person in the […]
By Jocelyn Delgado ’19, Paola Diaz ’19, and Diana Gomez ’19 After 7 hours of working hard in school, then having to do homework for the rest of the day, most students would want to […]
By Angel Olanda ’17 How often do you get to see twins? If you have payed attention to the crowd, we have a growing number of twins in Pritzker. There are identical twins, which look […]
By Dania Herrera ’19 and Atziri Tapia ’19 A boy with a smile on his face, walking around everyday up and down the aisles of the cafeteria greeting every student he knows, Ali says, “How […]
By Isiah Gonzalez ’17 The steam coming off the freshly made pizza, the Sprite in my cup was bubbling and just the right amount of salt added to my fries made me excited after […]
By Sebastian Ortega ’18 Cuando me preguntan algo en Inglés a veces primero pienso la respuesta en Español porque casi no se decirlo en Inglés. I struggle because I have a difficult time translating. For […]
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