Club Spotlights

Stand Up, Speak Out!

September 3, 2015

By Esmeralda Arroyo ’17, Cristian Castillo ’17, and Clarissa Crespo ’17 Stand Up, Speak Out is informally known as “LGBT Club,” but the informal name does not fully represent the club. The club is led […]

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Club Spotlights

Most intense game ever: Chess

September 2, 2015

By Miguel Diaz ’17 Intense thinking and incredible plays are what the Pritzker Chess club is all about. Chess is not a typical board game. It is an advanced game that requires much thinking. So, […]


The Belly Shack: a must eat

September 2, 2015

By Stephanie Valencia ’17 You may miss it if you are not looking for it. Right in front of the Blue line on Western is a little restaurant called the Belly Shack. The Belly Shack […]

Fall Sports

Touchdown vs. Try

September 2, 2015

 Jesus Bustos ’17 A clash between two sports, the modern version being football and the original version being rugby.  Both are popular, but which one is better?